Aportes de la antropología forense a la comprensión de los procesos de trabajo en las haciendas henequeneras a principios del siglo XX. Los entierros de "El Mirador II”, Yucatán


  • José Manuel Arias López
  • José Huchim Herrera
  • Daniel Martínez Gastelum




Physical Anthropology, Health, Henequen Haciendas, Yucatan, Mexico, 19th Century


42 skeletons recovered in an excavation at the site of "El Mirador II” are analyzed. These were buried into Structure 391 of that site, located 12 km north of the city of Merida (Yucatan) and 1.2 km from the Ex-Hacienda de San Antonio Ho’ol, where these individuals came from and whose burial area turned out to be the reused structure built during the late Preclassic period. By integrating the results of the analysis of living conditions through stress markers and biomechanical parameters, by age and sex group, and by physical activity, it appeared that these individuals were subjected to a high metabolic stress, coupled with deficient nurturing related conditions and strenuous physical activities, carried out in the context of the hacienda labor linked to the exploitation of sisal fiber. Thus, correlating data provided by archeology, physical anthropology, and history, we are able to contextualize and get an overview about the living conditions in the henequen haciendas and in particular the Hacienda de San Antonio Ho’ol.




