Stalled Political Reforms in Ecuador: Decentralization under the Palacio Government


  • Imke Harbers
  • Judith Illerhues


Palabras clave:

Political Reforms, Decentralization, Ecuador, Alfredo Palacio


During the past two decades decentralization has become one of the most important political developments worldwide. In Latin America, many of the new democracies placed decentralization on the political agenda, among them the Republic of Ecuador. The case of Ecuador highlights the promises as well as the pitfalls of decenThe case of Ecuador highlights the promises as well as the pitfalls of decentralization. The massive uprising of civil society in April 2005 against the illiberal governing style of ex-president Lucio Gutiérrez led to the ouster of the Gutiérrez government and brought to power former vice-president Alfredo Palacio. In an attempt to regain legitimacy in the face of massive popular discontent with the political class Palacio promised to reinvigorate the decentralization process and to engage in a dialogue with citizens about political reform.




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