The actor between dictatorship and post-dictatorship. Corporealities in conflict in Argentine cinema and theatre during the return of democracy (1983/1989)


  • Karina Mauro



Acting, Cinema, Theater, Realism, Argentina, Return of democracy


We propose to analyze the acting in cinema and theater of the argentine democratic return, in order to highlight its political dimension implied. Thanks to the willingness to represent the recent past, acting in films will be limited to the realism. But at the same time, new expressions of young artists based in the irruption of the body and sexuality emerged in the theater. We believe that this aggressive deployment of a revulsive, offset and young corporality, constituted a vital affirmation before the horror of the dictatorship. In addition, these experiences reacted to the imposition of an acting performance at the service of transmission of a message, imaginary of "productive body" present in realism, but also in groups militants of the 70s.


Author Biography

Karina Mauro

Doctora en Historia y Teoría de las Artes porla UBA. InvestigadoraAsistente del CONICET. Se especializa en Teoría e Historia de la Actuaciónen Teatro y Cine. Es Profesora Titular de la asignatura Historia Sociocultural del Arte I y II (IUNA), y  Docente Regular de la asignatura Psicología del Arte (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA). Investigadora del GETEA (Instituto de Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano “Luis Ordaz”, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA). Ha realizado numerosas publicaciones y presentaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Ha participado en la coordinación general del I Coloquio del Actor Popular. Ha dictado cursos de posgrado y de grado, y se ha desempeñado como crítica en las revistas Teatro XXI y Alternativateatral. Actriz y cantante, se ha formado con Ricardo Bartís, Marcelo Savignone, Raúl Serrano, Augusto Fernández y Pepe Bove.





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