Greco-Roman Classics in Times of Chilean Independence: Authors, Books and Influences


  • Maria Gabriela Huidobro Salazar Universidad Andres Bello



Cultural reception, Classical tradition, Colonial libraries, Independence of Chile


The ideology of the independence of Chile (1810-1818) has been usually analyzed based on the influence that the illustrated liberalism exercised over it. Nevertheless, a new reading of the texts written in the context of the emancipation see also to reveal, the relevance of the classic Greco-Roman model for the configuration and legitimization of the first republican projects.
How and why classics became models to follow? Which were the model authors in the context of the independence? A review on the circulation of books and the writing and reading practices, which were predominant since the 18th century in Spanish America, will allow discovering the process through which the classic nourished part of the imaginary of the Chilean patriots.

Author Biography

Maria Gabriela Huidobro Salazar, Universidad Andres Bello

María Gabriela Huidobro Salazar. Decano de la Facultad de Educación, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile. Doctora en Historia. Investigadora Fondecyt, proyecto n° 11130585, “Tradición clásica en la prosa y retórica independentista de Chile (1810-1820)”.

(En prensa: 2015) “Humanismo cívico y tradición clásica en los albores republicanos de Chile”, Revista Complutense de Historia de América.





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