Development, Union Participation and Transnational Circuits of Training during the Sixties and Seventies: the Case of Latin American Leaderships of ORITICFTU


  • Gabriela Noemí Scodeller CONICET IIGG-UBA



Union leaderships, Technical and political training, Development planning, Productivity, Latin America


The article examines the place that union leaders grouped in the Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers (ORIT) searched for, along the line of Development plans designed for Latin America during the sixties. To effectively support their demand of participation in the decision making arena, they went after technical and political training. To pursue this aim these leaderships turned to the expertise knowledge of different institution; introducing themselves in a world that far from univocal perspectives, had a variety of options to offer. The text sketches the map of actors, ideas and situations involved in the shaping of this realm; and it argues the importance that the issue acquired for ORIT’s leaderships. It analyzes around which axles they organized their training as political-technical cadres, as well as the characteristics regarding which they hoped to shape the workforce of
the region.

Author Biography

Gabriela Noemí Scodeller, CONICET IIGG-UBA

Gabriela Scodeller ( es Doctora en Historia. Se desempeña como Investigadora del CONICET en el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Sus publicaciones versan sobre movimiento obrero argentino, historia reciente y memoria. Actualmente estudia los proyectos educativos de las organizaciones obreras latinoamericanas. 





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