Identification and Subjectivation in the Context of the Updating of Cuban Socialist Model. Analysis of Conducta Film (2014) by Ernesto Daranas from the Parallax Perspective


  • Lizette Mora Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Conducta, Identification, Subjectivation, Parallax, Film, Cuba


The debacle of East-European socialism provided some changes in the identification and subjective processes in relation to the social structure in Cuba, which can be observed by the reflexive distancing of the subjects from the various ideological objects. Cinema, as a cultural mechanism, informs us of this reality and introduces its director, his characters and the spectators into the dialectic representation-reception, in which subjective vision and objective reality are articulated. To show it, I analyze the film Conducta 2014 that combines the critical tradition of revolutionary cinema with some premises of socialist reality and its recent exhaustion. The reception of this film by the spectators informs that the parallax is open in contemporary societies by the displacements, identifications and the way of constitution of the subjects shown on the screen.

Author Biography

Lizette Mora, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Becaria Posdoctoral en el Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México





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