The Representation of Vulnerable Sectors of Society in Argentinian Documentary Film: The Struggle for the Recovery of Jobs and Family Portraits


  • Pablo Hernán Lanza Universidad de Buenos Aires



Documentary, Characters, Representation, Narrative structures, Argentina, 20th Century


The first years of the millennium proved to be one of the moments of greatest documentary film production in Argentina, because of technological, legal and especially social changes with the political-economic crisis that culminated in the resignation of President Fernando de la Rúa in late 2001. The struggle for the recovery of factories on the verge of bankruptcy by workers and the portraits of the cartoneros were the privileged narratives during the period being portrayed immediately and insistently in a impressive number of documentaries. This article proposes an analysis of the argentinian documentary film production focused on these two social sectors formed during the neoliberalism of the nineties. The main objective is to investigate the ways in which the subjects are presented, the articulation of characters with collective features and the narratives articulated in two sets of films, addressed as “thematic series”, establishing a dialogue between them and their social representations.

Author Biography

Pablo Hernán Lanza, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Pablo Lanza es Doctor en Historia y Teoría de las Artes (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires). Se licenció en Artes Combinadas en la misma institución. Es integrante del Centro de Investigación y Nuevos Estudios sobre Cine (CIYNE) y del Grupo de Estudios de Teatro Argentino e Iberoamericano (GETEA). Es docente de la materia Historia del Cine Universal (UBA) y miembro del comité editorial de la revista digital Cine Documental. Ha publicado artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales sobre historia del cine y es coautor de los libros Cine y Revolución en América Latina (2014), Una historia del cine político y social en Argentina Vol. II (2010) y Reflexiones teóricas sobre cine contemporáneo (2010). Ha desarrollado sus investigaciones con becas de diferentes instituciones: Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Posgrado (AUIP) y el Instituto Ibero-Americano de Patrimonio Cultural Prusiano.





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