Challenges and Reflections on Academic Tasks in Pandemics from a Feminist Perspective


  • Jael Goldsmith Weil
  • Jennifer Cyr
  • Kelly Bauer
  • Lucía Miranda Leibe
  • Gustavo Valenzuela
  • Pilar Arcidiácono
  • Luisina Perelmiter
  • Elisa Rivera



Academy, Art, Feminism, Pandemic, COVID-19, Latin America


The current global pandemic has brought about changes and challenges for governments and for people's daily lives. This forum reflects on the different aspects of academic and artistic life that were affected, the main challenges to be faced and the lessons learned from a feminist perspective. The articles show how the pandemic significantly influenced  the lives of women in this context, both personally and at work, and make gender inequality evident through different stories. The forum includes five contributions on the main problems and challenges faced by women in academia and research. The authors narrate, from a personal, entertaining and close-up perspective, how they were affected by the pandemic and give advice for similar scenarios in the future. The sixth contribution shows the main obstacles faced by a mother artist and how these were exacerbated during the health crisis.







Forum for Debate