About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal INDIANA, published by the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut at Berlin, was founded in 1973 as a forum for research on multiethnic, indigenous, and Afro-American societies and cultures in Latin America, both contemporary and historical. It publishes original contributions from all areas within the study of the Americas, including archaeology, ethnohistory, sociocultural anthropology and linguistic anthropology. Each volume is composed of various articles, a themed dossier, and thematic essays. Manuscripts of original contributions are accepted for consideration in Spanish, English, Portuguese and German and each article is subject to anonymous peer review.
The journal INDIANA is indexed in Scopus, Redalyc, Latindex-Catálogo 2.0, HAPI, and other indexes and databases. It is published twice a year in print form and online with free and open access.


Peer Review Process

Indiana uses double blind peer review.

All articles submitted are first checked formally that they accomplish with the journal's editorial requisites and correspond to the journal's contextual profile.

After that the articles are anonymised and then sent to at least two specialized exernal reviewers (double blind peer review). The reviewers will not get to know the author's identity, and vice versa.

In case of a conflict between two reviews, the article will be sent to a third specialized external reviewer.

The reviewers, once received the article, will have six weeks to carry out the review and deliver the result.

As a result of this evaluation, the article may be  1) accepted, 2) rejected or 3) recommended to re-submission after some re-modifications.

Ethics Statement and Editorial Best Practice

IINDIANA complies with COPE REGULATIONS OF GOOD PRACTICE (Committee of Publication Ethics). The selection criteria for contributions published in the journal therefore refer exclusively to their scientific relevance, originality, clarity and pertinence. INDIANA guarantees the confidentiality of the peer review process and the anonymity of reviewers and authors. The journal fully commits to not publishing any work that contains any element of plagiarism or fraud. Where a text is identified as having plagiarised or includes fraudulent content, it will be removed from the journal. The editors of the journal are always willing to publish corrections, clarifications or apologies where necessary.


Submissions in which authorship or co-authorship is performed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the authors to verify that the content of the manuscript is originally theirs and to adequately cite all statements, ideas and results that come from other sources. An author submitting an article to the journal must guarantee they are authorised to do so by any co-authors, that they are in possession of suitable authorizations to reproduce images and photographs included within the article and that it is an original piece, it has not been published previously and its publication in the journal does not infringe authorial rights.


It is the responsibility of reviewers to prepare reports objectively, to avoid personal comments on the author and express their points of view clearly and based on solid argumentation. Reviewers accept the confidentiality of the peer review process and commit to not discussing the content of unpublished manuscripts with their colleagues. Reviewers commit to immediately informing the editors in case of discovering a case of plagiarism or double publication, or should they find themselves in a position of conflict of interests.

Frequency of Publication

INDIANA appears two times a year in June and November.

The journal appeared in an annual format from 1973 to 2015.


  AIO (Anthropological Index Online);
  ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences);
  HAPI (Hispanic American Periodical Index);
  HLAS (Handbook of Latin American Studies);
  LATINDEX - Catálogo 2.0;
  Qualis (CAPES);
  REDIB  (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico);
  SCOPUS (Elsevier);
  Ulrich's Periodicals Directory;
  BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine);
  DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals);
  EZB (Elektronische Zeitschriften-Datenbank);
  IBZ (Internationale Bibliographie der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur);
  IBR (Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen);
  The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers;
  REBUIN (Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias y Científicas Españolas) ;
  REDIAL (Red Europea de Información y Documentación sobre América Latina);
  ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources);
  ZDB (Zeitschriftendatenbank).

Open Access Policy

INDIANA provides instant and free access to all of its contents via its electronic edition. There is no cost of publication for authors.

This work is under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0.